You can volunteer by contributing your professional skills, time, experience and energy for a project, which will go a long way to create a lasting impression and effect on the world.
Get involved by joining our volunteer programme.
The Esse Quam Ultimate Internship Programme – (EQUIP) is a model designed for students and college graduates who wish to extend their skills and experience in improving the lives of people by contributing to a project.
It requires the EQUIPed participant to move from their home region to a specific location, and thus may require traveling around the world.
Donations and sponsorships of any amount from individuals and organisations willing to support our cause are accepted.
Donors can select public or private acknowledgment.
Joining our facilitator’s programme gives you a flexible schedule to organise events for skills trainings, health-screenings, observance of international days, fundraising activities, programme for global theme awareness, and other activities which are in line with any of our programmes.
Are you passionate in getting involved with philanthropic activities? Do you possess any skills which you intend to transfer to other people to improve and enrich humanity?
Click to see available vacancies.
We welcome suggestions to help improve our operations. Have you had any unpleasant experience with any official from EsseQuam? Your details will be kept confidential.
We encourage you to submit a suggestion or share an experience.
Your purchase of any branded product goes back to helping producing more by people in our social enterprising projects.
10% of every purchase is donated to other charitable causes.