Our believe is that Good health, Quality food, Shelter and Potable water are basic needs which contribute to the wellbeing of people. The need to make these available in abundance is important to achieve a better, fairer and a more sustainable world.
The availability of sufficient quantities of food of appropriate quality, supplied through domestic production or imports (including food aid).Food access: Access by individuals to adequate resources (entitlements) for acquiring appropriate foods for a nutritious diet.
We advocate and provide healthy foods for the less privileged.
Rural communities in Ghana suffer from the lack of portable drinking water, while other communities suffers from polluted water bodies as a result of mining activities, use of chemicals (DDT) for fishing and industrial activities making water unsafe for drinking.
According to UNICEF, 2.2 billion people worldwide still lack access to safe drinking water while more than half of the global population do not have access to safe sanitation and the consequences of unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) on children can be deadly.
In supporting WASH, EsseQuam helps mobilize resources to provide reliable and sustainable water sources for communities to improve safe drinking water supply, by undertaking projects such as drilling of bore-holes, individual and community education to adopt positive behaviour change and maintain sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene.
Being healthy should be part of overall lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses.
Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for self-esteem and self-image and we aim to provide aid to individuals and families with little to no access to good health benefits.
We go back to the basics and provide training in hand-washing, how to clean food before consumption, and more. We know that when people are staying healthy because of their hygiene practices, they have more time and money to invest in small businesses, farming and other activities that drive their economies forward.